What does it mean to me that Barack Obama is our next President? I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion that is why we have the Freedom of speech. I think that either candidate would have a lot of challenges to face in order to get our Country back on track. All we can do now is hope and pray that Barack Obama can do the job. But it has a special meaning to me that doesn't have any political meaning to it. Now I want you to look at this picture. What this means to me is that my Son, my Hero, and my Guardian Angel NOW can look into the future and if he wants to be President of the United States it is possible because of the American people. That he will not be judged by the color of his skin. He can see that anything is possible for him and his generation to achieve any goal they want. Joshua is amazed at the fact that we have a new President who is the same as him and for that I am truly greatful to the American People who didn't judge Obama for this color of his skin, but looked at what he represented which was change. During Barack Obama's acceptance speech last night I was brought to tears just watching and listening to him and thinking of these children:I love each and everyone of these faces, they mean the world to me. They are our next generation and for their hopes and dreams to have no limits just brings tears to my eyes. I am truly proud to be an American and want to personally thank everyone who has made it possible for my children to have the same hopes and dreams as the next. I think that the country is learning that we are all the same on the inside.
Bobo upside down pic (love it) Gangsta Bobo! (Brit, Bobo will sport the DooRag, and Peli can throw up the signs) haha! Um! Yeah eating the blanket yummy! Look at that boy! Like Father like Son, what can I say.
Well, that is all for now. So Brit and Sue you can back off now!! (j/k haha!) I have a couple of pics of Bobo that I will leave you with. Love you all, and I will be back with another blog when I have more to say, or if Rachelle gets me those pictures. I know she has a lot, so I will post a blog from her soon.
Wally teasing bobo (I know shocking) Jill, and Katelyn
Grandma Beautiful, Kassydie, Katelyn
Paige, Jill, Katelyn, and Kassydie
Grandma Beautiful, Bobo, and Jill
Paige and Kassydie
Little Miss Katelyn Rae Horn
Well Happy 24th to All. Even if you are not in the state of Utah, if you have ever lived here you know what the 24th is.
Above are some pictures I had on my camera, that were just random I thought I would share them with you. They are from the 4th when Wally and Jill were here.
Bobo and Katelyn Lyndsey and Matt Bobo Josh, Bobo, Royce alligator Katelyn and Bobo On Sunday we decided to go to the Zoo, Here are some pictures we took.