Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"The Zoo"

Bobo and Katelyn

Lyndsey and Matt


Josh, Bobo, Royce


Katelyn and Bobo

On Sunday we decided to go to the Zoo, Here are some pictures we took.


Ethan & Amy said...

First off Candisse get Rachelle up with some Cowboys gear on. Coming to your page and seeing a Broncos jersey is unacceptable. I feel sick.

I can't believe how Josh will be 15and Xavier turned two. They grow up so quick. Good to see some pictures of them and the rest of your family.

p.s. If you ever need a funny picture of Josh (mermaid costume)let me know.


Brittany said...

HELLO!! What the?!?!?! I leave for two weeks and now you're all blogging and stuff? JK- I'm so excited! I love blogging and have seriously missed seeing what's happening with everyone while we were gone- YAY! love you

George said...

Candisse......I think you are beautiful.....You're family is so
darling......And I am sorry I haven't
written sooner....but I haven't been able to shake off all these guys after me.....Al Zheimer has been stalking me.....And Arthur Itis.....Don't mention Lew Kemia....and Dee Preshion.....
Such a pain in the U no what.......
Such loosers......I love your page
and think you have done a fabulous
job.......Just thought I'd check
in.....Love ya a bunch......GGwonderful.........

Brittany said...

You've been tagged! Check out the scattergories tag on my blog and you have been assigned to do it too!

Joe and Marci said...

Hey Candisse, I found you! I'm so glad to have another blog to read...

Your boys are so cute (and old! When did you give Josh permission to become a young man?)

Can't wait to read more!

Sue said...

Hellooooo...Candisse..Time to post again...I'm glad to see that you put me back on your list..jk.

It was fun to see you guys on the fourth..

I wish we could do more things together..Our families are getting sooo big..It makes it hard..At least we have blogs to keep in touch..

Brittany said...

So... Cand... it's been almost a month since you posted... I'm just still patiently waiting... like sands through the hourglass...